• Abhinav Foundation Maharashtra (INDIA)

Our Objective

Abhinav foundation Trust”, Pune , came into existence on 07 January 2021 by a group of educationalists of Marathwada. Lead by founder trustee Dr. Pravin Marotrao Ghate , trustee Mr. Nitin Chilwant and other office bearers.The group of educationalist were inspired to create the “Abhinav foundation Trust” for public charitable purpose and objects of general utility, not involving any activity for profit and in particular for the implementation and realization of the following objects of the trust, as hereinafter set out as,.

1. To develop in children and the youth a sense of disciplined conduct and patriotism and also to impart good education to them and to provide books of quality.
2. To establish High Schools, Colleges, Technical Colleges, Technical Institutes, Medical and Dental Colleges and other organizations to promote the spirit of self-employment.
3. To establish orphanages, boarding and lodging houses for students and other forms of financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skill development etc.
4. To spread education and for achieving the said object to establish, maintain, run, develop and improve extend grant donations in cash, in kind and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running, development, improvement and extension of schools, colleges, workshops, Technical Institutes, Technical colleges, Medical Colleges, Industrial and Technical schools, institutions for the promotion of Agriculture, Hostels for the benefit of students, maintain Agricultural Farms for the benefit of the poor.
5. To establish and maintain or acquire library or libraries for the benefit of the student community.
6. To institute and award scholarships in India for the study, research and apprenticeship for all or any of the aforesaid educational purposes.
7. To establish, maintain, run develop, improve, extend, grant donation for an to aid and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running, development, improvement and extension of Hospitals, clinics, X-ray plants, Dispensaries, maternity homes, recreation centres and all similar institutions as will afford treatment to alleviate human suffering and for the benefit of the poor.
8. To conduct poor feeding and generally give food, education, clothing, medical care and other aids to the poor needy and disable persons and to afford relief to people in distress due to natural calamities, accident, earthquake, flood famine, epidemics and conduct or grant donations for the support of orphanages and welfare institutions.
9. To create, construct or maintain, run or improve, grant donation for choultry, welfare houses, community halls or rest houses for the welfare of the public in general and as a measure of social welfare.
10. To carry on community development programmes for the upliftment of the economically weaker sections of the society and also construct and develop community centres or halls for carrying on such activites.
11. To establish society or societies registerable under societies registration Act, and institution or institutions or organizations for giving effect to or implementation or carrying out the object of the Trust herein above set out.
12. To do all such other things or deeds as may be conducive or necessary for the advancement of the above objects.